Our Goals and Intended Objectives

The goals of RUBIES is to reach, teach, restore and explore:

Goal 1: To REACH youth who have been or may be potential targets of trafficking

We will accomplish this goal by:

  • Recruiting prospective participants at various community and private events and through health and human service agencies

  • Creating a public relations campaign designed to make the community aware of the services we offer

  • Create a safe space for all those who identify as female and are victims or potential targets of exploitation and/or trafficking

 Goal 1 Objectives: The organization will be able to:

  • Acknowledge RUBIES as a safe haven for suspected trafficking victims

  • Construct a directory to identify RUBIES caregivers/staff/service providers and provide contact information

  • Disseminate flyers, brochures and other forward facing documents that communicate our services


 Goal 2: To TEACH youth participants and empower them to identify potential trafficking dangers and overcome them

We will accomplish this goal by:

  • Engaging participants in a curriculum that defines trafficking and brings awareness by bringing the elements of trafficking to the forefront (Engage and Empower)

  • Empowering participants to recognize the signs and characteristics of a trafficker and implore strategies to protect and distance themselves safely

  • Presenting seminars and discussion groups which will allow participants to hear and exchange knowledge from former victims of trafficking

Goal 2 Objectives: Participants will be able to:

  • Articulate the elements of trafficking using the language and terms appropriately

  • Identify the characteristics of a trafficker

  • Identify effective strategies for “escaping” and “avoiding” traffickers


Goal 3: To RESTORE a sense of identity and control to participants and strengthen their sense of self worth and identity 

We will accomplish this goal by:   

  • Offering a curriculum designed to promote a healthy self-concept, self-image and self-efficacy

  • Providing one on one and whole group interactions that allow participants to explore strengths and opportunities for personal growth

  • Introducing character and sound values as the basis for betterment and change

  • Empowering confidence in different settings via etiquette and social skills training and interactions

Goal 3 Objectives: Participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate appropriate behavior and interaction in a formal setting

  • Construct a self-concept journal to identify goals and chart growth and accomplishment of said goals

  • Articulate the impact of strategies introduced to personal formation of positive sense of self (indoctrinated into society after exploitation or trafficking rescue)

  • Create various deliverables that archive the journey to mental wholeness as it relates to self-esteem and self-confidence

 Goal 4:         To EXPLORE healthy relationships with others through camaraderie, collaboration, networking and shared learning initiatives

We will accomplish this goal by:

  • Offering strategies for team building, consensus building and goal setting

  • Providing deliberate opportunities to work with community leaders and organizations to plan and sponsor a community endeavor

  • Creating collaborative teams to carry out a task and monitor effectiveness

  • Introducing problem solving and conflict resolution strategies via “win-win negotiation”

  • Organizing reading teams to analyze and consider strategies for self help, networking and self-improvement

Goal 4 Objectives: Participants will be able to:

  • Compile a list of personal network partners

  • Plan and execute a community event with a collaborative team

  • Identify and manage one’s own conflict management style and consider the best strategies for positive outcomes

  • Identify literary sources for self-help, networking and project based team planning